How good are you at taking risks with your writing? Are you someone who puts words to paper but never allows those words to be seen by others? Do you share your work with close friends but shy away from getting professional feedback because you’re afraid you’ll be told that your writing has potential but still needs work?
Or do you look for new opportunities to test yourself, grow your skills, and become a better writer?

If I’m completely honest, my tendency has been to play it safe and protect myself from disappointment and rejection. But playing it safe doesn’t cut it in the long run. In fact, by playing it safe and keeping my aim low, I’ve realized I’ve missed out on bigger and better opportunities.
Success in writing requires risk
The hard things we do today become second nature tomorrow, given time and commitment. That’s how growth works. Setting our aim high and falling short still puts us closer to our ultimate goal than continually setting the bar at a level where there is little chance of failure.
I think it’s very timely that I landed on the above pictured quote from Michelangelo while I was re-evaluating my goals and what I hope to achieve in the year ahead.
I’ve decided to push myself out a little further this year, just to see what happens, and I’ve already been surprised by where those steps are leading me.
I challenge you to do the same. Take a serious look at where you are now and where you want to be in six months. Now press yourself to go a little further and take that next step.
If we don’t invest in ourselves and grow in our calling now, will we ever?