The last time I read A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court was in college (though it wasn’t a class-assigned reading). My current personal WIP has me researching different accounts of Merlin, and I’d forgotten just how badly King Arthur and his mentor were skewered by Mr. Twain. The pictured quote actually comes from the…
Category: Creativity
Who am I, Lord, that I should be so blessed by Your imagination? The words I pen today can’t begin to capture an iota of the detail you’ve woven into even the smallest of molecules. And yet, how can I not try?
It’s so much easier for me to take those difficult steps of faith when I remember that You are right here beside me. There are so many questions in this life. So much uncertainty. And I wonder sometimes, did I hear You correctly?
Lord, It’s so easy to get distracted when I’m constantly bombarded with all the “how-to’s” of the writing world. I can have the greatest author platform, be represented by the world’s best agent, perfect the art of the query, and publish book after book, but it will do me little good in the measure of…
If you experience situational anxiety in your writing, now may be the best time to look at where your feet are planted. Are you trying to control every aspect and build your writing career on the shifting sands of your own foundation, or are you looking to God to lay the blocks for you to build upon, with Him as your guide?
As co-creators, it’s vital that we work collaboratively with the One who is able to see beyond the deceptions of our enemy and into the heart of who we were designed to be. When we go back to the beginning and continue to shore up the foundation of our personal relationship with the Author of All, we find that our writing becomes less about building a career and a name for ourselves and more about enjoying and using the gifts and the talents bequeathed to us.
Merriam-Webster lists four definitions for a prophet: 1) One who utters divinely inspired revelations; 2) One gifted with more than ordinary spiritual and moral insight; 3) One who foretells future events; and 4) An effective or leading spokesman for a cause, doctrine, or group. Of the four definitions, Jeremiah certainly fulfilled the first three during his…
In his book, The Art of War for Writers, James Scott Bell shares that it’s vital for writers to know the difference between a hero and a fool. “A hero,” he writes, “knows it takes hard work and a long time to get published; a fool thinks it should happen immediately, because he thinks he’s a hero already.”
The more we return to the Wellspring of our creative spirit, the more we have to offer our readers. This constant return also refocuses our vision and our purpose.
Lord, You know me so much better than I do. You know when I’m being impatient and when I’m hesitating out of fear. I want to run now, but You are still preparing me for a much bigger race—one that requires training and perseverance. In Your wisdom You know I need to learn how to…