Learning to stand against the thief of your creative voice.

As co-creators, it’s vital that we work collaboratively with the One who is able to see beyond the deceptions of our enemy and into the heart of who we were designed to be. When we go back to the beginning and continue to shore up the foundation of our personal relationship with the Author of All, we find that our writing becomes less about building a career and a name for ourselves and more about enjoying and using the gifts and the talents bequeathed to us.

The key to combatting imposter syndrome? Remembering who gave you your gift to begin with.

Merriam-Webster lists four definitions for a prophet: 1) One who utters divinely inspired revelations; 2) One gifted with more than ordinary spiritual and moral insight; 3) One who foretells future events; and 4) An effective or leading spokesman for a cause, doctrine, or group. Of the four definitions, Jeremiah certainly fulfilled the first three during his…