You gifted me with skillsets designed for the specific kinds of tasks you knew I’d enjoy the most!
Category: Writing
Thank you for the story tellers of the world and for the way they enable us to see the world from different view points. Thank you for the way they challenge us as readers and as listeners; for the way the inspire us and cause us to think of others for a moment instead of being solely focused on ourselves.
I’m celebrating the season by offering a 25% discount off of any 2021 copyediting or developmental editing services booked between now and December 24th. This applies to both fiction and nonfiction manuscripts.
Christmas for me has always been a time of reflection. And with that in mind, I’ll be posting some of the reflections I’ve written over the years here and on my social media posts this month.
How would observing my character’s sense of gratitude and looking for subtle ways to subtly weave that knowledge into my writing elevate my story?
Having a space where we can be a little more vulnerable as we navigate all the twists and turns that this writing life takes us on makes the journey so much more enjoyable, especially in a year that has seen us spending more time writing solo in our homes.
No matter who we are or what we do, there will always be that one sly voice that tries to convince us that we are wasting our time, that we have no talent, and that we’ll never make an impact or difference. And that voice will always be a liar. Always.
There will always be big things that we have no control over in life. And this is certainly true of our writing careers. What we do have control over, however, is how we respond to the ups and downs.
Forgetting everything we’d written before, we had to come at both pieces from a fresh perspective and write about what we saw, felt, and heard.
I’m beginning to realize that I need something that is just my own and that I can use to express myself when words just won’t do.