If there’s one thing writing has taught me, it’s to develop a better understanding of who I am as an individual and what I believe about myself.
When I look back at things I’ve written in the past, I discover seeds of ideas that have grown and developed over time that in turn created the person I am today. But I also see ideas that held me back and saddled me down with fears of failure.
As I read through old journals, I am reminded just how powerful words are. Especially the words I believe about myself. And I am reminded just how important it is for me to remain connected with the Wellspring of my creative soul.
Want to know how you view yourself? Take a look at the words you write!
When our ears are filled with the truth, it stops up the lies that try to seep into our hearts and out into our actions. This includes our writing. This week, I encourage you to take a look at your words. Where are they coming from? How are they shaping you? Are they building you up or holding you back?
Don’t be afraid to edit those words if they’re damaging. Search for strong, life-giving replacements. Ask for friends to stand beside you.
Forget the story the enemy of your soul wants you to believe. Get out there and write the story that the Master Creator equipped you to share.