When I consider the historical figures and the fictional characters who have spoken words of hope and courage to my heart, it’s always those who chose to press on in courage and determination—no matter how the odds were stacked against them. Not just for their sake, but for sake of those around them.
Like them, I know there will be set backs, loses, moments of retreat. But running back toward solid ground or refuge does not mean defeat. It means You have given me the ability to evaluate and choose my battles, and the wisdom to recognize that there will be fields that are meant for others to win.
Like them, I can pursue my writing with courage because that’s who You created me to be. And that is why I can continue to press on in hope and praise, regardless of what the voices and images around me are saying.
Thank you, Lord, for reminding me to begin each morning by plunging into the Wellspring that feeds my creative spirit with words of life. Use this time to prepare me to encourage others to tap into that same bottomless spring so that they are refreshed and refilled as well.