It takes a rare form of courage to choose to pursue your creative calling. Especially if you’re surrounded by voices telling you that you should focus your energies on the things that guarantee future stability, such as retirement, investments, and careers in high-paying companies.
Those are all good things, but if the past few months have shown us anything it’s that even the most certain things aren’t always certain.
Instead of looking at your writing as a hobby, choose to look at it as an investment. The time you put into studying and practicing your craft doesn’t just improve your skills as a writer on the path to publication, it also improves your ability to empathize with others, to learn new problem solving skills, and it teaches you how to better communicate with others. No matter what field you work in, these are traits that will always come in handy.
It takes a rare form of courage to choose to make your creative calling a priority. Especially if you’re feeling drained because you’re being pulled in every which way by children, spouses, and other family responsibilities.
These are all good things, but if the past few months have shown us anything it’s that creativity doesn’t have to be a solo endeavor. We can bring our loved ones into the mix and make it that much more of an adventure!
Have you hit a snag in your story’s plot? Ask your family what they would do in a similar situation. Chances are they’ll offer some ideas you hadn’t considered. Need a way to get the creative juices flowing? Start a story around the dinner table and take turns making up what comes next. Embrace the ridiculous and enjoy the laughter that ensues.
Life gives us choices…you either grab on with both hands and just go for it, or you sit on the sidelines.”
Christine Feehan
My dear creative one, the passion inside you was placed there for a purpose. And you have the choice of how you’ll pursue it or set it aside. But know this, the One who designed your creative soul also filled you with a great capacity for courage.
Why else do you think He often used the phrases, “Do not fear” and “Be strong and of great courage” when He met with men and women throughout Scripture?
The choice to pursue your writing with courage is before you! The question is, how will you grab on to your creative calling with both hands today?
Write boldly!