If there’s one thing You’ve been teaching me, Lord, it’s that it is impossible to write well without gaining wisdom and understanding along the way.
And not just about the mechanics of writing and storytelling, but also about who we are as a people and who You designed us to be.
When I look at little ones. I discover anew that babies grow in their understanding of the world by watching, mimicking, and finally attempting to do new things on their own each day.
The same is true for me. The more I read, the more I observe, and the more I listen, the more I grow as a person and as a writer.
I pray that I would remain mindful of this in the year to come; that I would never reach the point of thinking that there is nothing new to learn, to be discovered, or to share.
May I rejoice in the challenges I face today, because it means that I’m not done growing yet.
What is something you’ve developed a deeper understanding of that’s impacted your writing in 2020? How do you plan to carry it on into 2021?