This is it! The week I switch from one organizational calendar to the next. And just as I’ve felt a mix of excitement and melancholy when I’ve begun using new calendars in the past, I feel the same bittersweet pang for 2020. Because, like my journals, this little tome carries a bit of my journey as a writer, as an editor, and as an individual inside its pages.
Deadlines I’ve fretted over. Shifted plans (both mine, and clients). Met and unmet goals. Notes from conversations with the writers I work with. And, of course, it serves as a record of growth.
2020 has now taken its place next to 2018 and 2019 on the shelf beside me. And 2021 has now stepped up to the desk of keeping watch over my time and activities. What journeys beginnings and endings will it hold in its pages, I wonder? What stories will it track and record?
Perhaps one of yours!
There’s still time to reserve your 2021 spot at my end-of-the-year 25% discounted rate, which depending on the type of editing your book needs, could save you a pretty penny.
The best thing is, it doesn’t cost you a thing to reach out and learn more. And reserving a space in my 2021 calendar doesn’t require a holding fee. What it does do is give you a date to work toward. A deadline, if you will. (Something most of us need.)
It also gives you a cheerleader. Someone who checks in from time to time to see how you’re doing, and who offers you a kind word when needed. And if, as we approach the date, you realize you’re not quite ready, we can discuss other options then.
Just be sure to reach out to me by December 31st in order to receive the discount!
Happy writing!