I woke up this morning with a heart overflowing with surprise and gratitude. I honestly hadn’t expected the amount of response I’ve received to the post I shared yesterday. In fact, I’d hardly expected to receive much of a response at all.
Not because I didn’t think the post had any value, but because the post almost didn’t happen.
Yesterday was a day full of technical gremlins, and they didn’t come in ones and twos to cause a couple of glitches. These guys were out in full force to really try to derail my day. And I am so glad that I learned years ago to be a compulsive saver who isn’t dependent on auto-save or cloud storage!
My original attempt to post to IG yesterday morning failed because of a service issue just before I was scheduled to go into a virtual meeting with some team members. So I decided to just leave it be and figure out what went wrong after the meeting ended.
No biggie. Or so I thought.
My laptop decided that my meeting would be the perfect time to suddenly go to sleep and refuse to wake up, forcing me to do a hard reset just as I was supposed to be sharing my update at the meeting. Thank goodness I had what I needed to say memorized and we were talking by phone! And thank goodness nothing was lost.
Returning to IG afterwards produced more problems, and my post unfortunately was lost. But, as I said before, I’m a compulsive saver so I was able to copy and paste from the document I prepare my text in, restart my phone (just to be safe), and try again.
Things seemed to go more smoothly after that until a shared spreadsheet that I have been working collaboratively on with another team member decided to go on the fritz as the day was coming to an end. But once again, we managed to salvage and restore what had been corrupted.
Finding joy in the midst of the difficult makes all the difference

All throughout the afternoon, I was blessed by your comments, your story shares, and the likes that have continued on through this morning. And I was reminded again just how grateful I am for this virtual writing community of mine.
Having a space where we can be a little more vulnerable as we navigate all the twists and turns that this writing life takes us on makes the journey so much more enjoyable, especially in a year that has seen us spending more time writing solo in our homes.
As I reflect on all that I am grateful for this week, I wanted to say that one of my top blessings this year has been you. Thanks for making my life richer, and for being a steady reminder yesterday that although the gremlins may try to wreak havoc in our technical lives, they can’t wreck what truly matters most!
Endure fort!
Top image by Free-Photos from Pixabay