Last week was one of those weeks that had me questioning what I was doing with my life. The emotional storm really took me by surprise because I’ve actually had a very productive year in terms of writing and editing. Yet there I was, sitting on my living room floor, sobbing because one negative voice had wormed its way into my ear and I couldn’t seem to quiet the words it was whispering in my mind.
If it was to be believed, I was never going to succeed in anything. Not really.
Enter two sisters: one a blood sister, the other a soul sister. Both encouraged me to do the same thing—look back over the past year (and beyond) and recall the affirmations that had encouraged me that I was succeeding in what I’d set out to do.
As we recounted some of those affirmations together, my eyes were once again opened to the path ahead.
I was reminded of the books that have recently been published by writers I’ve worked with in the past three years. Of the way my practice of journaling through the Bible and my prayers has led to ministry writing opportunities that I would never have thought to seek out on my own. And I was reminded that I’m more than three years into a career path that I’d prayed about and longed to pursue for many years before finally working up the courage to begin.
They also reminded me how excited I’ve been for the dreams I’m cultivating and tending for the year ahead.
Silence the liar

No matter who we are or what we do, there will always be that one sly voice that tries to convince us that we are wasting our time, that we have no talent, and that we’ll never make an impact or difference. It will try to get us to believe that we are failures, that our words and our efforts hold no value.
And that voice will always be a liar. Always.
Because no matter who we are or what we do, we were always designed to have a purpose, to make a difference in the lives around us, and to leave some sort of impact on the generations to come. And we don’t have to sell a million copies of a book to do so.
Each time I work with a writer and have the opportunity to encourage and strengthen them in their writing journey, I have the chance to make a difference in the writer’s life which in turn can impact the lives of their future readers.
Each time you share a post about your writing highs and lows, you impact the writing community by reminding others that they are not alone in what they are feeling in that particular moment.
I know because I’ve been one of the writers who have been encouraged by the things that you’ve shared.
If you’ve been struggling with that one voice attempting to distract you or ensnare you with its cruel barbs, I’d like to encourage you in the same way my sisters encouraged me. Look back over your path for the markers (both big and small) that signaled to you that you were walking in the right direction.
If it helps, make a list of them and hang them where they are easily seen. Then, whether it’s today or tomorrow or a year from now, you’ll have a ready response when that liar tries to waylay you in the middle of the night down the road.
Write boldly and with courage!
Top Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay.