Lord, I marvel that I was specifically created by You to work in partnership with You. And in addition to that, You gifted me with skillsets designed for the specific kinds of tasks you knew I’d enjoy the most!
As I sit down to write today, I pray that I would remember that I am not working in isolation. When I am stuck or frustrated by what seems like a lack of progress, remind me to look up and see where You are standing and if there’s something You’re trying to draw my attention to.
Bring to my mind the community of writers you have filled my life with, and who are a continual source of encouragement to me.
Open my eyes to see what tasks you’ve given me to accomplish today. Help me not worry about what may or may not need to be completed tomorrow.
Guide my fingers as I type and soften my heart to be receptive to the message You have placed on it in this moment.
I pray that it will transform my life and that Your words, written through me, will in turn draw the attention of my readers to the incredible work You are even now preparing them for.