Each time I look around at the universe You’ve created, I’m reminded that every story I do is a mere copy of what You have already done.
Where You spoke life into being, I reflect that creation through words. You created the heavens and the earth for Your pleasure foreknowing there would also be heartache, sickness, destruction, and grief. And so You gave us Hero who would bring healing and restoration.
You know we would be hardheaded and stubborn people who would demand to go our own way, so You gave us a Guide to help us find our way back home to You when we finally come to our senses.
Help me remember that You Yourself did not shy away from pain and suffering, but willingly sacrificed all for the benefit of the creation You love so deeply.
As I work today, I pray that each word I write would be an honest reflection of who You are and what You have done…simply because of Love.
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