Just before my class graduated from college, one of my writing professors told us the minute we stop learning is the minute we stop growing and the moment when we begin falling behind.
While this can be said about any aspect of our lives, I’ve certainly seen the truth of it in the publishing world. There’s always something new to learn and ways to improve on what we think we already know.
The writers who continue to look for ways to stretch themselves and grow as individuals and in their craft are the ones who end up standing out above the rest.
Sometimes the learning comes from reading other books in our genre. Other times it’s from branching out into something we’ve never tried before. Sometimes we learn from classes. Other times we learn from life’s experiences. It doesn’t matter where the lesson comes from. All that matters is that we learn from it.
Is there something you’ve recently learned (or relearned) that’s helping you look at your writing in a different way? Be sure to share in the comments! Someone else might be trying to figure out the exact same thing.