Ever notice how easy it is to become so fixated on how we think we should forge ahead in our creative pursuits that we lose sight of why we started out on this journey to begin with?
Perhaps you began with the intention of ministering to others who are grieving or living with chronic pain. Perhaps you had the germ of a story placed in your heart and knew could one day it would impact the life of a child.
Maybe you started out because you felt a call, but had no clue where it was leading you or how you would know when you arrived. You just know you need to show up and write.
I’ve been reminded this week that plans are good. We should have goals and look for ways to stretch ourselves so that we can move forward in our writing journeys. But we can’t forget to include the Master Creator in those planning sessions.
When we commit our plans to the Lord, He affirms them or redirects them so that we can be successful in the work He’s created us to do.
I’ve seen this happen countless times throughout the past fifteen years. And while there have been plenty of times I’ve grieved closed doors and opportunities that didn’t pan out, I’ve also been amazed at the things I never would have accomplished had I been so attached to my own vision that I failed to make room for His.
Lord, thank you for opening our eyes and showing us where to place our feet today. Guide our vision and our passion so that the words we write will be the ones that others are yearning to hear.
May we be faithful with the time and the talents you have given us, and may we use them not for our own benefit, but for the edification and the encouragement of others. Amen.