Happy December! The season of baking, crafting, decorating, and warm cups of cocoa by the fire.
I’m already seeing pictures from friends and family displaying their trees and wreaths and sharing various family traditions. As a fellow writer recently shared, it’s a wonderful reminder that no matter what the year holds for us, we can always choose to look for the brightly colored rainbows that remind us that even the fiercest of storms eventually blow themselves out.
I’ve saving the pleasure of decorating until this upcoming weekend. But it hasn’t been an easy wait! I can already hear the jingle bells shivering in excitement in the closet. And the stockings have been grumbling that their toes are feeling a bit cold for the past couple of weeks now.
More than just welcoming in the season, however, it’s also my way of celebrating returning the last of my clients’ edits for the year. And what a year it’s been! I’ve had the privilege of working on several children’s books, a couple of adult novels, memoirs, Bible Studies, and even a busy writer’s newsletters. I’ve walked with these writers through high points and low points. Some I’ve prayed with. Some I’ve prayed for. And all of them have touched my heart in a unique way this year.
Next week, it’s on to my YA fantasy and I can’t think of a better time to delve into that particular world than during a season of that pulls us all into a realm of magic and childlike wonder.

Are you looking for an editor in 2021?
I’m celebrating the season by offering a 25% discount off of any 2021 copyediting or developmental editing services booked between now and December 24th. This applies to both fiction and nonfiction manuscripts.
If you have a book you’re planning on having edited for publication next year—perhaps that Nano novel you just spent a full month writing—be sure to message me for details.
Never worked with an editor before? My editing questionnaire is a great way to help determine your needs, expectations, and comfort level so that we can make the best informed decision about how to move forward when you’re ready to begin.
It would be my honor to help you ensure your hard work is polished and ready for the spotlight, whether you’re aiming to self-publish or working toward traditional publication in 2021!
Top image by Candis Hidalgo from Pixabay