—Psalm 33:6–7 (NIV)
It’s so easy to become so wrapped up in the “big picture” that I often forget to look at the tiny details You’ve meticulously carved into every facet of Your universe. There’s an indescribable world outside of my doorstep that I’ve yet to fully experience, and You created it all.
Yet here I sit, once again staring at a blank page, wondering if I’m really cut out for this sort of work at all. What have I to offer, I ask. And in the end, does it really matter?
It’s then I realize I’m looking at my writing as if I’m viewing a mountain in the distance and trying to determine how to go from base to summit in one step. I see only the obstacle. And I miss everything else that I would glean and the strength I’ll gain along the way as I take one small step after another.
That’s when I remember you didn’t create the universe in a single day, either. You gave yourself time to not only complete each task but to sit back and admire and enjoy the work of your hands each day.
If You can fill this world with insects and flowers and blades of grass that are as unique from each other as I am from my own family and friends, then surely I can rest in the knowledge that You can restore and deepen the creativity that I need in order to show up at my desk each day.
Help me to see the tiny details today, and use what I discover to draw out a new reason to sit back in my chair at the end of the day and say, “It is good.”