The last time I read A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court was in college (though it wasn’t a class-assigned reading). My current personal WIP has me researching different accounts of Merlin, and I’d forgotten just how badly King Arthur and his mentor were skewered by Mr. Twain.
The pictured quote actually comes from the climax of this book, when the protagonist is out late at night, spying on his enemy’s advancement.
The book itself ends on a low note, but this particular line really resonated with me when I read it this past weekend. It reminded me just how much worry and fear cloud our vision. And just how much they impact our view of the world, our circumstances, and our aspirations.
Because ultimately, worry and fear are nothing more than imagination that’s gone out of focus.
It was a reminder I desperately needed, and one I hope will help me refocus where I’m directing my creative energies this week.
Whatever you find yourself wresting with this week—whether it be something in your personal life or in your writing—I you’ll take a moment to stop and determine the source of your imaginings. Are they an outpouring of your fear or are the rising up from your connection with the Wellspring of Life?
The answer to that question could very well be the difference between a much-needed breakthrough or an unexpected retreat.