This month’s guest blogger, Tarah Avery, is an entrepreneur, the wife of a songwriter, a dreamer, a coffee lover, and a relationship blogger. She is obsessed with reading, particularly sci-fi/fantasy/adventure fiction, and her favorite author of this genre is Brandon Sanderson. She lives in Denver, CO with her husband and spends her days managing and creating content for her online ministry:

Q: Was there a person or an event that prodded you to consider pursing writing as a calling/vocation?
A: English, grammar, and reading are actually things I’ve always struggled with (I was always in the special classes for those growing up), so writing was never a pathway I thought to take. It was just something that I sort of fell into when blogging became a phenomenon. I would blog as a way to process the events of my life and I found it helpful to invite people into the journey of my life and thoughts. But it’s a process for sure! I’ve been writing for 3 years “professionally” as a blogger and I am still discovering my writing style and learning my voice.
I definitely feel as though I am just scratching the surface of all the potential that’s inside of me and where God wants to take me.
Q: What is the most surprising twist your writing journey has taken you on so far?
A: Being an online influencer, I’ve had to learn to use social media (my niche is Instagram). I’ve learned from business mentors that Instagram is not only about great photo’s but great captions. Social media can be a drag at times, right?! So the most surprising twist? Getting into Instagram and looking at it like I’m writing a shortened version of a blog, which is hopefully a quick inspiration or encouragement to my audience. That’s been fun!
It’s easy to hold myself to a standard that isn’t always reasonable and so I’ve learned to pace myself and ask for help when I need it, because the last thing I want is for my passion to become a burden.
—Tarah Avery
Q: What’s been the hardest obstacle you’ve faced as a writer thus far? How did you move past it/how are you working through it?
A: Finding the motivation to write for sure has been the hardest obstacle I’ve faced! As a blogger I want to connect with my audience on a regular basis, so the pressure of writing something new every week has definitely been a journey. I’m learning to overcome feeling like I’m letting myself (and others) down and to be at peace if I don’t get something new created in time. At times I’ve had to pull back and just re-post some of my best content. It’s easy to hold myself to a standard that isn’t always reasonable and so I’ve learned to pace myself and ask for help when I need it, because the last thing I want is for my passion to become a burden.
Q: How do you refresh yourself as a writer when you’re feeling like the creative well has gone dry?
A: Oh man, I have experienced so many times where my creativity has gone dry! One habit I’ve created over the years is to always be writing down concept ideas or title ideas as they come to me so that in those moments where I feel stuck or uninspired I can look back at those notes and get that inspiration flowing again. Because isn’t writing when you’re inspired the best? But I’ve learned I cannot write only when I feel inspired, but have had to learn to be able to write at all times.
There are times when I need to pause and step away from the computer and start reading something that inspires and motivates me. Because I write on healthy relationships I am always learning from the best authors/writers/speakers out there who are pro’s on this topic, and many times I find inspiration from them.
Q: Is there a piece of insight or advice you’d like to share about writing?
A: Just don’t stop writing. I’ve always heard that it’s the consistent who succeed over the talented. I may not be the most talented writer, but I am not going to stop writing!